

There is a notion that men don’t really care much about beauty, as compared to women who are always looking for stuff to enhance their look. This notion is absolutely wrong. Nowadays, men are also conscious about their looks and style, that’s why many companies have made gender specific or “for men” products to accommodate men who want to improve their look.

Yes, men now are more conscious about their looks, pretty much the same as women do. But the biggest problem a man will face, especially when they come of age is hair loss. Hair growth problems for men typically start when they reach their middle ages, around 40 years old. Unfortunately, some experience hair thinning much earlier, even in their teens.

Hair loss or androgenetic alopecia is a genetic condition that makes you susceptible to hair loss. Now depending on what type of genetic predisposition your family have or if you have a family history of early hair loss, then it is most probable that you will suffer from early hair loss as well.

Hair loss is a progressive condition. Typically, androgenetic alopecia starts with hair thinning, then the hair line start to slowly progress upwards, some also develop hair thinning at the top of the head. Eventually, total hair loss occurs at the front and top of the head, leaving some hair on the sides and lower back.

Fortunately, there are available products that can help fight hair loss. But why wait, right? If you know you are susceptible to hair loss, why not prevent it than waiting around for the condition to occur. Nisim Biofactors is a triple product (shampoo, conditioner, and herbal extract) that only uses natural ingredients to stimulate new hair growth. Unlike other hair loss treatment, Nisim Biofactors does not cause any side effects, making it safe even after years of use.

Since, Nisim Biofactors only contain natural ingredients, it can be used to prevent hair loss, so you don’t have to go through the embarrassment of having a receding hair line or worse being bald.

8th Apr 2015 Manny Y

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