

Possible Causes of Hair Falling Out

hair falling outThere are many reasons for hair falling out. Although it is normal to shed up to 100 strands per day, real hair loss can occur if you lose hair more than that. Read on to know some of the most common reasons behind falling hair.

Hair falling out can be due to ageing. In both men and women, the follicles shrink with advancing age. When the follicle gets smaller, it then produces thinner and shorter strands. Finer hair more easily falls off. Although there is little you can do with hair thinning secondary to ageing, you can keep your hair healthier by eating well and taking hair vitamin and mineral supplements.

In women, post pregnancy hormonal changes can lead to hair falling out. This is termed postpartum hair loss which occurs around three months after childbirth. This is a temporary condition and very soon, your locks will be back to normal. During this time, take extra care of your hair. Pass up on curling irons, straighteners, and blow dryers as well as chemical based treatments such as perms and hair dyes.

A recent illness can sometimes manifest as hair falling out in clumps. Because the body is trying to recover, most of the hairs are pushed to enter the resting phase. Later on, these are shed massively, leading to hair falling out. These can be due to long standing illnesses such as thyroid problems, diabetes, or influenza, chronic cold, and anemia. Crash dieting and diets lacking in protein can also cause hair fallout in handfuls.

Fortunately, for most of these issues, the hair grows back within a few months. However, it is important that you take care of your locks. There are hair loss treatments that can be used to combat hair falling out. The earlier the hair treatment is started, the better the chances of regrowing hair to the fullest.

8th Apr 2015 Manny Y

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