

Sometimes we experience slow or stunted hair growth. The majority of us may never notice it but your barber or stylist may point out that you’ve missed on your regular hair cut schedule. Slow hair growth can be due to a variety of conditions. One cause of stunted growing hair is malnutrition. Because of over dieting, some dieters sometimes starve themselves, and consume very little food. This deprives the hair follicles from vital nutrients for healthy hair growth like protein and vitamins.

Health conditions like anemia can also cause slow growing hair. The lack of red blood cells can significantly reduce oxygen distribution all over the body and this includes the hair follicles. Besides protein and other nutrients, the hair follicles also require oxygen to create hair.

Fortunately, all of this slow hair growth conditions can be reversed and actually encourage the hair follicles to grow hair faster. Eating a well balanced diet is a good start. Eating foods rich in protein like fish, lean meat and vegetable protein from soy can provide all the protein the hair follicles need for fast and healthy hair growth.

Exercise is also great for healthy hair growth. Working out increases the heart rate and improves blood circulation, this is beneficial for hair growth since increase circulation means more oxygen and nutrition are being transferred all over the body and this includes the hair follicles.

8th Apr 2015 Manny Y

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