

For decades, hair loss has been a major problem for men and women alike. Many think that hair loss does not cause any serious medical conditions, but hair loss can definitely cause loss of confidence or worse depression.

Hair loss starts by the age of 40, but there are unfortunate individuals who develop hair loss in their late teens. The typical signs and symptoms, and pattern of hair loss are listed below:

  1. Increased hair fall.
  2. Hair thinning – the thickness of each hair strands are getting thinner and thinner.
  3. Receding hairline will form and slowly pushes upwards. In some individuals, thinning at the top of the head can also occur, which could accelerate hair loss.
  4. Eventually, only a rim of hair is left at the sides of the temple and back of the head
  5. In worst cases, total hair loss can occur.

Causes of Hair Loss

Stress – Being exposed to extreme stress can cause a lot of health problems. Hair experts say that stress triggers hair problems like: telogen effluvium, alopecia areata and trichotillomania. A simple way to stop stress induced hair loss is by proper stress management.

Hormones – Androgenetic alopecia is probably the most common cause of hair loss. This is due to a hormone called DHT or dihydrotestone. DHT is need especially for men because it is responsible of a lot of male related changes. Unfortunately, this hormone causes hair loss, because for some reason our hair follicles on our scalp are sensitive to it. One way to stop androgenetic alopecia is to inhibit its harmful effects on the follicles at the scalp, this is safely done by using shampoos and conditioners like Nisim Biofactors that contain natural DHT inhibitors.

Poor Nutrition – Not consuming the right amount of foods can definitely lead to poor hair growth and hair loss. Our hair is mostly made up of protein, so it important to consume the right amounts of protein every day. Good Sources of protein are: soya beans, lentils, cheese, milk, fish and lean meat from pork, beef and chicken.

8th Apr 2015 Manny Y

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