

We all want to have beautiful hair and the best way to attain this is thru healthy hair growth. A lot of women believe that taking prenatal vitamins will help bring about healthy hair growth. This is because many pregnant women, who are taking prenatal vitamins, noticed a significant increase in their hair growth, as well as thickness of hair.

Prenatal vitamins are similar to your regular prenatal vitamins but contain higher amounts of specific nutrients to better suit the needs of a pregnant woman. Vitamins and minerals such as folic acid, calcium and iron have higher concentrations. Some vitamins are also reduced like vitamin A, because excess levels of this vitamin can cause fetal deformities.

It is well known that the so called “hair vitamins” which are pantothenic acid (vitamin B5 or provitamin B5) and biotin (vitamin B7) help beautify and strengthening hair for fast and healthy hair growth. Prenatal vitamins do not have increased amounts of these vitamins.

How does prenatal help beautify and thicken the hair? The truth is, prenatal vitamins have nothing to do with hair growth. It is very important to be aware that non-pregnant women and men who take this vitamin for hair growth, could be at risk of vitamin and mineral intoxication, which in worst cases could lead to death (iron intoxication).

Why do pregnant women have beautiful and thick hair? The reason why pregnant women have such beautiful and thick hair is because of their hormones especially estrogen. This hormone is like fertilizer for hair, it makes hair really beautiful and healthy. Also, estrogen slows down the telogen phase, which is the phase of active hair fall, this is the reason of the lusciously thick hair.

But you may wonder, estrogen is predominantly a female hormone. So why doesn’t it beautify hair with women who are not pregnant? The reason for this is, in pregnant women, estrogen levels are constantly high.

8th Apr 2015 Manny Y

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