

Are you having problems when shaving because you are prone to cuts, razor burns, bumps and ingrown hair? Is your skin too sensitive when using depilatory creams? Waxing could be an option, if you weren’t worried about the pain. Are there other hair removal treatments that does not require any pulling, the use of blades or corrosive chemicals?

Then try removing unwanted hair by using laser like the Rio Scanning Laser Hair Removal Kit. This laser removal kit is made specifically for home use.

How does the Rio Scanning laser work? The Rio laser works by sending an intense beam of light which is a single wavelength or color. What’s amazing is that the skin is utterly invisible to this wavelength range, which is around 600 – 1100nm. The laser only targets or is absorbed by structures containing melanin. Hair contains melanin. In fact, melanin gives color to hair.

What happens next is melanin absorbs the light energy emitted by the laser, producing rapid heat buildup on the hair follicle. This heat accumulation eventually destroys the hair follicle and its surrounding area including the hair bed and other cells like the hair papilla which are all responsible for hair growth. If adequate heating is achieved, the hair follicle will be destroyed and hair re-growth will be impaired.

It is also important to mention that laser hair removal is not an instant solution. You will need several sessions to remove all unwanted hair. This is because laser works best when hair is active and growing. There are three phrases in normal hair growth cycle. The first of stage is the Anagen phase which is the phase that we want since this is the active growth stage. The cells at the hair root during this stage are rapidly dividing and grows about 1cm every 28 days. This lasts for about two to seven years and then followed by the Catagen phase. This phase is the transitional stage and 3% of all hairs are at this stage at one time. The Catagen phase lasts for only 2 – 3 weeks and during this stage, growth stops. Finally, the last phase is the Telogen or the resting phase. About 10% – 15% of all hairs are at this phase. Around 25 to 100 Telogen hairs are shed daily, shedding the old hair and preparing for new growth, thus repeating the cycle again.

8th Apr 2015 Manny Y

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