

Have you ever had that dreaded feeling when you wake up in the morning, the moment you look in the mirror and realize that your hair is getting thinner and thinner? You try to comb it, brush it, and style your thinning hair as best as you can, but you can never get satisfied with it. So what you commonly do; just like others with thin hair, is to simply ignore it.

But having thin hair and walking along the street, going to gatherings or anything social can make one very self conscious. Hair thinning could eventually lead to hair loss, which is even more depressing. These conditions can really affect a person’s self esteem and self confidence.

Hair loss commonly starts by the age of 30, the initial signs of hair loss is hair thinning, then a receding hair line will occur or a slowly forming bald spot at the top of the head. Eventually, only a rim of hair is left at the sides of the temple and the lower back of the head.

There are different types of hair loss and the most common type is androgenetic alopecia or male/female pattern hair loss. Men typically experience the symptoms above but sum experience total hair loss. Fortunately for women, total hair loss is rare, and only generalized hair thinning occurs.

The reason why we experience androgenetic alopecia is due to a hormone that our bodies naturally produce. Dihydrotestosterone or DHT is an androgen more potent than testosterone. DHT forms when testosterone interacts with an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. For some reason, people who are prone to androgenetic alopecia have hair follicles that are sensitive to DHT.

To effectively control or stop androgenetic alopecia is to prevent DHT from harming the hair follicles on the scalp. The best and safest way to do this is to use an herbal based product like Nisim Biofactors. Nisim Biofactors is a tri-product (shampoo, conditioner and herbal extract) that naturally and effectively inhibit the harmful effects of DHT on the scalp.

8th Apr 2015 Manny Y

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