

Having thick and beautiful hair can symbolize good health, but of course when we get to a certain age, it’s pretty common for our hair to thin out. That is why people are always looking for ways to get hair thick and strong to get that youthful look back.

For this reason, a lot of men and women who experience hair thinning and hair loss look for all kinds of hair loss treatmentproducts to keep their scalp hair as thick as possible. It is typical to experience hair loss by the age of 40. In men, hair loss starts as hair thinning, which later results into a receding hair line, that slowing goes higher and higher. Eventually, only a rim of hair is present along the sides of the temples and back of the head. There are cases where a receding hair line and a forming bald spot on the top of the head can occur simultaneously, making the advancement of balding much faster. In worst cases, total hair loss can occur.

Fortunately for women, total hair loss is rare, only generalized hair thinning occur. But this doesn’t mean they are not affected by this. In fact, women become more depressed with thin hair, than men with a totally bald head.

Androgenetic alopecia is the most common cause of hair loss. Androgenetic alopecia or more commonly called male/female pattern hair loss occurs due to a hormone called dihydrotestosterone or DHT. This hormone is an androgen and is much more potent that testosterone. Actually, DHT comes from testosterone when acted upon by an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase.

Today, hair loss treatments are focused on inhibiting the production of DHT. But it is important to know that DHT is a hormone that is needed in the body to function properly. Especially on men, if this hormone production is suddenly put to a halt, can cause a lot of side effects.

So the safest way to stop DHT is to inhibit its effect directly on the scalp. Nisim Biofactors is a tri-product (shampoo, conditioner and herbal extract) that is filled with nutrients that help encourage hair growth and at the same time stop DHT from harming the hair follicles.

8th Apr 2015 Manny Y

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