

Whenever we talk about hair loss, the first thing that pops up in our head is an elderly man combing his thin or nearly bald head. But think again and think really hard, because hair loss is becoming a problem even for youngsters as well.

Yes, this is very true, young individuals even in their teens also experience symptoms of hair thinning, balding and shedding. The big problem with teenage hair loss is it can affect the child’s self esteem, confidence and can drastically affect their social life.

If you are young with some signs of hair loss, rest assured you that you are one step closer to getting a bald head. But you are not alone, there is a growing population of teen age hair loss who share your experience.

Fortunately, there are simple ways to improve the health of your hair.

  1. Right Diet – Nothing can make yourhair growth better that proper nutrition. Our hair is mostly made of a protein called keratin, the same protein found on our nails and skin. So it is very important to consume the right amounts of protein daily.
  2. Limit the use of heat based hair straightening products. Hair straighteners like hot ceramic plates, curlers and hair dryers can really damage hair. These heating instruments can reach temperatures so high, they can vaporize the little moisture the hair can hold to the core. Leaving your hair dull, dry and brittle. So make sure to use these products only on special occasions.
  3. Gentle grooming. It is important to carefully groom your hair. The use of a wide tooth comb or brush is a good start. This will prevent tangles and hair breakage. Also, don’t comb or brush your hair while it’s wet, this can strain your hair and cause it to break.
  4. Reduce stress levels. Yes they maybe kids but kids or teens too experience stress to from school, studies and peer pressure. Increase levels of stress can have a negative effect on your body which can also cause hair loss.
8th Apr 2015 Manny Y

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