
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is Kalo safe?

Yes, Kalo is made with natural herbal actives and has passed all necessary safety tests. Even if you have sensitive skin, Kalo is totally safe and painless. We do recommend that you test Kalo on a small portion of the body first. As with all cosmetics, a few people may have an allergic reaction. If this happens, simply stop usage and rinse the affected area thoroughly.

Can I use Kalo anywhere?

Kalo can be applied to any body part containing unwanted hair on both men and women, including the legs, arms, face, back, under arms, chest, and bikini line. Kalo should not be used internally.

How long will it take to work?

For most, results will be evident after four to six hair removal sessions, although some will notice a difference right away after the first session.

Will Kalo's effects be permanent?

That depends. If you use Kalo after waxing, tweezing, or electrolysis, the affected hair will not grow back. If Kalo is used after shaving, the hair will most likely grow back, but at a much slower rate. You can be assured that the growth will be much finer, lighter, and less colored. Most of our customers who use Kalo in conjunction with shaving report having to shave just once every week (as opposed to every day) after just a few weeks of consistent use (one application each time after shaving). Continued use will slow down the growth even further.

How Kalo compares with other hair removal methods:

Depilatories such as Nair™ are creams that help remove hair by dissolving the hair above the skin. However, after repeated use, they often cause irritations such as rashes and bumps on the skin. Kalo is a light, soothing formula that leaves skin feeling fresh and moisturized.

Bleaching works well only if you have a light complexion. Plus, it is time consuming, and if the bleach is not left on long enough, the hair becomes reddish in color rather than blond. Not to mention, the hair is still there, which one wrong step into the light will reveal!

Electrolysis involves sliding a small electric needle down the hair shaft to the base of the hair follicle and "zapping" the hair root at the base with an electrical current. The problem is that this procedure is tedious, time consuming, expensive and . . . . PAINFUL! Not to mention, studies have shown that 20% of electrolyzed follicles regrow hair. In addition, scarring can occur in some instances.

Laser-assisted hair removal damages and kills the hair follicle. It only works well for those with black hair and light skin. This procedure is both very time consuming and expensive: it takes six months to a year to complete treatment, and it would cost about $900 to remove the hair of the upper lip alone.